
Rad Stuff: Death's End

Photo by Gwendal Cottin on Unsplash


This book, actually, this book series, blew my fucking mind. I've been trying to delve more into harder sci-fi and this the first book of this trilogy, The Three Body Problem might have been my first foray into that denser realm of sci-fi literature. And I do mean fucking dense. The entire trilogy spans over well over 1000 pages and no detail goes without microscopic examination in the story. So dense, in fact, that it took me about two years to read the whole thing. I read the first one, was exhausted by how crazy yet brilliant the concept was and how meticulous the writing was, then took a break for a year before diving into the sequel. These books demand your attention.

While it's hard to not talk about the entire series, the final book, Death's End, is the crowning achievement of the series. Where this insane journey ends up left me fucking breathless. I've never read anything of this scope before, on this grand a scale, with everything so well thought out and analyzed and interwoven. All three of the books are legit works of art.

You know those trite sayings like "everything has already been done already," or "there's nothing original left?" People who say that haven't read The Three Body Trilogy. I fucking guarantee you, you've not read, nor experienced any story like this.


Of course, there’s metal music totally devoted to the never ending chaos and beauty of the cosmos and few bands fully capture what it must sound like in space, filtered through a black metal telescope more than Mare Cognitum.