Happy Towel Day 2022
Of all the internet derived "holidays" amongst my favorite is "Towel Day" on May 25th because it's a celebration of one of the greatest works of fiction ever crafted on this planet, or any other that I know of, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
I'm not sure how to properly celebrate this day, or if there is any sort of established rituals or traditions, so I'm celebrating by tweaking and updating the piece I did last year for the 42nd anniversary of the book, a date that if you've read the book or seen the movie, or traveled even mildly sci-fi and humor inclined parts of the internet you get the significance of 42, but not to be outdone by 43, here's art again.
This country I live in, America, is no slouch in providing horrors on the regular and it's hard to see the value in silly books about space travels after these things happen but I've always found comfort in books and music and Hitchhiker’s, as I stated before, is one of the best books ever made. That's just science. You can try and argue it but you don't hate science, do you? Well, in America, you might, and that sucks, but what doesn't suck is Douglas Adams and his Hitchhiker’s books series so I hope you know where your fucking towel is.