Alien Day 2022
Two years ago I didn't know that April 26th was "Alien Day" but when I saw it and all the art tributes come by that day on the social media feeds it was the impetus I needed to makes some art, something I was extremely struggling with after having been crushed mentally and creatively by my somewhat newly installed of tyrant boss whose main source of sustenance was belittling and embarrassing her subordinates and questioning their existence and work (even after I had a stellar work record with proof after 7 years).
Given that I was only recently furloughed, the beginning of what would be a layoff, I thought I'd use this newly found free time to make art, but couldn't break through that wall of self doubt constructed by that monstrous Creative Director previously mentioned.
I'd been looking for inspiration in hand lettering and illustrators and Skillshare classes and had started to make some drawings but nothing was working for me.
Then, seeing it was Alien Day, a day to pay tribute to one of my all time favorite movies and works of art, I drew a little Xenomorph logo head and it was the first thing in over 6 months I was excited and proud of.
Because of that I revisited last Alien Day (2021) and I figured I'd keep the trend going since it's such a meaningful piece to me and my creative soul, something I thought I might never find again.
Alien Day 2021
Alien Day 2020